
DTP Performance Improvement: Semantic Groups

 Semantic groups can be set in DTP in the extraction tab. These are the fields from the source which are available for selection as semantic keys. The BW system while doing the loads will

ABAP routine for calculating AR buckets using master data look up

 In Account receivables , there is a due date on which the outstanding amount has to be paid by the customer. If the due date is passed and the customer has still not paid, the amount becomes overdue and bucket calculation starts

Currency Conversion from Local Currency to USD in BW

 While loading the data from source to SAP BW system, the amount can be in local currency. If the user wants to see those amounts in USD in the BI reports, you can do the currency conversion either in the BI query designer or while loading the data to the cube. Steps for currency conversion in the data load- There is amount field in the source which is Amount type key figure and there is 0LOC_CURRCY field in source which holds the unit of this amount key figure like EUR or INR etc. Define a target info object say ZAMNT_LC for this field in the BW system with amount type key figure and unit as local currency- Map these objects as one to one from the source Define a new key figure in the target to hold the amounts in USD. Say for example, ZAMNT_USD. Go to tcode RSCUR and create a currency translation type say ZAM_USD- Give a description, go to the Exchange rate tab and give the exchange rate type. ( Exchange rate types are standard exchange rates available in the SAP system. You can ...

How to update exchange rates via process chain in BW

 The exchange rate in the BW system may not be updated one. Also the business wants to see the amounts according to the exchange rates in the source. In such cases, you have to update the exchange rate in the BW system via process chain. Include the step ‘Execute ABAP Program’ in the process chain. Give the program name as ‘RSIMPCURR’. Create a variant for the program.

When to use ‘Summation’ in a Standard DSO

 While loading data to a standard DSO, a key figure can be updated as ‘Overwrite’ or ‘Summation’. With an overwrite option, the previous value of the key figure which is already there in the active table of the DSO will be overwritten with the new value. Whereas with the ‘Summation’ option, the values will be

When to use Navigational Attribute in SAP BW

 Navigational attributes are discussed a lot of times in BW. They have an advantage as these attributes can be used for navigation in a query. However there are lot many more advantages of navigational attributes. I will discuss today one such scenario where navigational attributes has saved a week’s time. The Scenario is like this- There are 2 characteristics used in a cube. One characteristic is an attribute of another and both the info objects are included in the cube. Info object           Is Attribute of Country                                Region Region Both country and region are included in the cube as separate characteristics and country is an attribute of Region. Hence the master data of REGION info object will look like below- Region Country North America USA Asia Pacific ...

How to give conditions in a BEx query designer

 The query designer formulas sometimes involve if then else kind of conditions or case statement type of logic. These type of logic can be easily given in the query designer, however the procedure is little tricky as you cannot write simple if statements in the query designer. Scenario – Suppose you have Amount and Net due date characteristics in the cube. The user gives the key date as query input. Based on the difference between the net due date and the key date, the query should return whether the amount is Due (i.e. net due date is in future as compared to key date) or Overdue (i.e. the net due date is passed as compared to key date). The query should also return the bucket information if the amount is overdue. Which means that the query should tell that the overdue amount falls in which bucket (>90, 61-90, 31-60 or 1-30). These buckets are assigned based on the number of days calculated earlier which is the difference between the net due date stored in the cube and t...