Domains A domain provided Technical attributes (type, length and possible values) for a field. The definition of domain in ABAP is same as that in Mathematics. In the world of Mathematics, a domain is defined as the set of input values that are valid for a given function. The same holds true for domains in ABAP. To understand this, let us first see what is the role of domains in ABAP data dictionary. Domains -> Data Elements -> (Structures, DB tables, program references etc.)
The exchange rate in the BW system may not be updated one. Also the business wants to see the amounts according to the exchange rates in the source. In such cases, you have to update the exchange rate in the BW system via process chain. Include the step ‘Execute ABAP Program’ in the process chain. Give the program name as ‘RSIMPCURR’. Create a variant for the program.
*--Structure type TYPES: BEGIN OF TY_STD, RONO TYPE C LENGTH 4, NAME1 TYPE C LENGTH 20, GEN TYPE C LENGTH 6, FEES TYPE C LENGTH 10. END OF TY_STD. *--Header line and internal table DATA WKA TYPE TY_STD. DATA INT_TAB TYPE TABLE OF TY_STD. *--Application server files are known as "Datasets" *--here "fname" is the Dataset DATA FNAME TYPE C LENGTH 40 VALUE "StudentsInfo.txt". *--Convert notepad file data into internal table CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = 'C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopstudents.txt' HAS FIELD_SEPARATOR = 'X' TABLES DATA_TAB = INT_TAB. *--Sending data to Application Server OPEN DATASET FNAME FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT. LOOP AT INT_TAB INTO WKA. TRANSFER WKA TO FNAME. ENDLOOP. CLOSE DATASET FNAME.
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