Table Comparison in BODS


Table Comparison:

This is an important functionality in BODS. It compares two data sets and produces the difference between them as a data set with rows flagged as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

The Table_Comparison transform allows you to detect and forward changes that have occurred since the last time a target was updated.

 For those in BW, you can understand the importance of this transform if you have done full and delta loads to DSOs and Cubes.

Data Inputs
  • The data set from source or the output from another transform. Only rows flagged as NORMAL are considered by the transform. This data is referred to as the “input data set”.
  • The specification for a database table to compare to the input data set. This table is referred to as the “comparison table”.

If the input data set contains hierarchical (nested) data, Data Services includes only the top-level data in the comparison and does not pass nested schemas through the output.

Use caution when using columns of data type 'Real' in this transform. Comparison results are unpredictable for this data type.

Comparison methods
Select a method for accessing the comparison table:
  • Row-by-Row select — In this option, the transform looks up the target table using SQL query every time it receives an input row. This is the best option if the target table is large compared to the input table.
  • Cached comparison table — Select this option to load the comparison table into memory. In this case, queries to the comparison table access memory rather than the actual table. This option is best when you are comparing the entire target table. Data Services uses pageable cache as the default. If the table fits in the available memory, you can change the cache type to in-memory in the data flow properties.
  • Sorted input — Select this option to read the comparison table in the order of the primary key column(s) using sequential read.To take advantage of this option, the order of the input data set must match the order of all primary key columns in the Table_Comparison transform. If this is already the case, drag the primary key columns from the input schema in the Table_Comparison transform into the Input primary key columns box. Using a sequential read, Data Services reads the comparison table in the order of the primary key columns.
Input primary key column(s)

 The input data set columns that uniquely identify each row. These columns must be present in the comparison table with the same column names and data types.

Drag the column(s) from the input schema into the Input primary key columns box. The transform selects rows from the comparison table that match the values from the primary key columns in the input data set.

If values from more than one column are required to uniquely specify each row in the table, add more than one column to the Input primary key columns box.

You cannot include nested schemas in the Input primary key columns list.

Compare columns

 (Optional) Improves performance by comparing only the subset of columns dragged into this box from the input schema. If no columns are listed, all columns in the input data set that are also in the comparison table (that are not of the long or blob data type or the Generated key column) are used as compare columns.

You do not need to add primary key columns to the compare column list. They are always compared before the compare columns apply. The compare columns apply only if the primary key value from the input data set matches a value in the comparison table.

If the primary key value from the input data set does not match a value in the comparison table, Data Services generates an INSERT row without further comparisons. If the primary key value from the input data set matches a value in the comparison table and values in the non-key compare columns differ in the corresponding rows from the input data set and the comparison table, Data Services generates an UPDATE row with the values from the input data set row.

Detect deleted row(s) from comparison table

(Optional) Generates DELETEs for all rows that are in the comparison table and not in the input set. Assumes the input set represents the complete data set. By default this option is turned off.

Below example demonstrates a function called “New Function Call”.

New_Function_Call function is used to call a new value as an output column in the schema out of a normal query transform.

Prerequisite :-

Source table / Spreadsheet (Input Data)

Permanent table (should have the same structure as the source table and the spread sheet data to be loaded into this table)

The scenario is that we will be loading the data from the source table/ Flat file to a permanent table which will be used as a lookup table later in the job.

Note that the source table and the permanent table, both should have the same structure including the field names and the data types and lengths.


 Drag the source Flat File/ Table in to the designer window from your "data store".

Drag a simple query to do a simple map. (Do one to one mapping & this query is used to change the name, data type and length of the fields if they do not match with the permanent table)

Drag one more query to validate and name it as query_validate.


Here double click on the query validate and open the query. In schema in you will have the fields. Select the schema out and right click. Select new function call as shown below-

You can see the below screen-

Click   next to the lookup table and select the data store which have the permanent table. Open it and select the actual lookup table and click on ok.

Now click in the first row under the “Column in lookup table” under conditions. Select the drop down and then select the primary key. Next, select “=” under the operation and now drag the same primary key from the input schema under the expression.

Now click on the “Column in lookup table” under the Output and select the primary key field and change the name of the field under the Output column name to field name_exists. Now click on finish.

This function will help us to cross check the primary key field from the input table, with the permanent table’s primary key and check if the data is same or not(picks the common data from both the tables). If it exists, it will pass the existing value, else it will be passed as null.


Next we do a validation to the field “Primary key_Exists” to check if this is not null.

The pass records will go to the “Table comparison” and the failed will go to the query which will update the failed records to the valid failure table.

Table comparison

Drag the table comparison transform from the query transform under the local object library , to the designer screen and now connect the valid pass to the Table comparison.

Click on the table comparison transform to open it and you will find the below screen-

As per the previous intro about the table comparison at the beginning of the post, observe some important inferences:

  • If you choose the Detect Deleted row(s) from comparison table option, then the performance of the data flow will be slower.
  • The comparison method performance is most affected by the Row-by-row select, followed by Cached compare table, then Sorted input option.
  • For Row-by-row select and Cached compare table, Data Services processes the deleted rows at the end of the data flow.
  • For Sorted input, Data Services processes deleted rows as they are encountered in the data flow.

Click on   next to Table name under the table comparison tab and select the Datastore. Then open the data store to select the appropriate lookup table (permanent).

Note: - Only the permanent tables will be available under the Datastores here.

You can use the Generate Key column if you want to generate the key values on any fields other than the date fields.

Next, select row_by_row check box and if you want your data to contain the duplicate keys you can check on the check box for input contains duplicate keys.

Drag the remaining fields to the compare columns if you want the transform to compare more effectively.

You can select the check box run as a separate process to improve the performance if you are doing a comparison on many fields.

Go back by clicking on   and join the table comparison transform to the map_operation transforms to avail the Insert, Update and Delete operands on the compared set of data.


Drag merge transform to combine the map_operations and link the merge to the output table.

Note: - this output table will be the same table that you choose under the data store in the table comparison transform.

So we need to drag the permanent table from the Datastore under the local object library and connect / link that to merge operation.

This concludes the process of extracting the data from the flat file and doing

  • Query_map (to do one to one mapping )
  • Query_Validate (to validate if the common data exists using the new function call)
  • Validate (to pass the valid records to the table comparison and invalid to fail table)
  • Table comparison (to do a comparison on the data sets)
  • Map_operation (to facilitate the operands insert, update , delete and discard the data
  • Merge (to combine the map operations and connect that to the permanent table)

Now you can run the job to populate the data and you can also run the job in debug mode to check the actual flow and changes in the data.


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