System Fields in ABAP
All the below system fields belong to the data dictionary (DDIC) Structure - SYST.
SY-INDEX | for loop counting |
SY-SUBRC | condition of previous statement |
SY-FDPOS | position of substring in main string (works with SEARCH) |
SY-ABCDE | a string of 26 characters |
SY-ULINE | for horizontal lines of any length |
SY-VLINE | for only one vertical character |
SY-DATUM | for application server's date |
SY-UZEIT | for application server's current time |
SY-DATLO | for Presentation server's date |
SY-TIMLO | for Presentation server's current time |
SY-DBSYS | backend database name |
SY-HOST | name of application server |
SY-SYSID | name of the R/3 system |
SY-OPSYS | name of application server's operating system |
SY-MANDT | Logon client number |
SY-UNAME | Logon User name |
SY-LANGU | Logon language |
SY-MSGID | message class name |
SY-MSGNO | message number |
SY-MSGTY | message type |
SY-MSGV1 | message variable 1 |
SY-MSGV2 | message variable 2 |
SY-MSGV3 | message variable 3 |
SY-MSGV4 | message variable 4 |
SY-LSIND | secondary list index |
SY-PAGNO | current page number |
SY-LINSZ | current width of a line |
SY-LINCT | current number of lines per page |
SY-TABIX | index of internal table's record |
SY-DBCNT | no. of records processed by database statement |
SY-DYNNR | current screen number |
SY-REPID | current program name |
SY-TITLE | title of the program |
SY-PFKEY | name of the current GUI status |
SY-UCOMM | funtion code of the current pushbutton or menu option |
Courtesy: ABAP Technical Documentation
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