Migration tips and tricks - Using latest software versions

 There are lot of pitfalls one may encounter in doing real life migration of BW on HANA. See this post for some tips to avoid them-

Use Latest Software versions

SAP HANA support packages are released quite frequently. Implement the latest SAP notes in your BW system using the tcode SNOTE.

SAP note 2021789 mentions which SAP HANA notes are specially verified for Production.

The following link provides latest revisions of SAP HANA software:


Refer latest documentation

The HANA cookbook for BW for example, is not up to date for all topics. (http://cookbook.experiencesaphana.com/). You can use this cookbook as an introduction of basic concepts.

You should read available documents of SAP first Guidance Collection for SAP BW on SAP HANA present at below link-


SAP  has announced to update the cookbook soon.

Checking the Software Versions

SAP HANA database version check-


Compare the version determined above with the version available in the SAP software download center. To do so, go to http://service.sap.com/swdc and select SUPPORT PACKAGES AND PATCHES-A-Z INDEX-H-SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION-SAP HANA PLATFORM EDIT 1.0-ENTRY BY COMPONENT-HANA DATABASE-SAP HANA DATABASE 1.00-LINUX ON X86_64 64 BIT.

SAP HANA Client Version check-

Check the version of SAP HANA Client. The client is used by the SAP BW system, that is by ABAP work processes-to establish the connection to the SAP HANA database.

For smooth operation, it is critical that SAP HANA Client and SAP HANA database have the same version status.

The hdbinst.exe tool enables to see the version of HANA Client and installation path if your application servers are on Windows.

SAP HANA Studio Version Check-

SAP HANA studio should ideally have the same version as the SAP HANA Database.

If you are accessing several databases with different versions, the HANA studio should have the version of highest SAP HANA database revision.

You can determine the HANA studio version via HELP-ABOUT SAP HANA STUDIO.

Version Check for Basic Software Components (Kernel, DBSL etc.)

SAP BW application server should have the latest patch.

In addition, keep the below components up to date-

  • kernel
  • dispatcher
  • work process
  • R3 programs (R3LDCTL, R3LOAD, R3SZCHK, etc.)
  • Database Shared Library (DBSL)

You can check the version of the kernel and DBSL via SAP GUI SYSTEM-STATUS-MORE KERNEL INFORMATION

For information on latest DBSL patches for SAP HANA, see SAP note 1600066.

It may also be necessary to update the SAP BW system before starting migration.


If you want to perform migration using the "Software Provisioning Manager" (SWPM) tool, you need to use the latest version of SWPM available.


For unexpected complications during Migration, refer to SAP note 1921023 for the corrections listed for the report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL.

Implementing critical Patches

SAP BW on HANA system must have updated patch level. For a better overview, excel lists are provided that contain detail information on which SAP notes are relevant for your system.

  • SAP note 1846493 for SAP BW on SAP HANA 7.3x systems
  • SAP note 1949273 for SAP BW on SAP HANA 7.4 systems

To get these, go to http://service.sap.com/notes.

Select 'Restrict by software components (only experts) as the search option.

Here, enter SAP_BW as the software component and enter your release number (e.g. 740).

By clicking the magnifying glass (From support package), select available notes relevant to your system.

Specify a search string such as "HANA" before clicking search. Do not get confused to respective short text. e.g NW 7.30 short text does not mean that it can only be implemented on BW 7.3 system.



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